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How to Use Cryptocurrency ATMs: A Complete Guide

The appearance of cryptocurrency ATMs was a natural next step after the skyrocketing popularity of cryptocurrency. These crypto ATMs offer an easy way to buy and sell digital currencies. In this guide we’ll help you understand how to use these machines, even if you’re a beginner.  

Cryptocurrency ATM machine with person using it
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mariagraciasantillanalinares/2022/08/08/crypto-atms-lose-traction-in-tarnished-market/

Key Takeaways: 

  • Convenience: Cryptocurrency ATMs offer a quick and easy way to buy and sell digital currencies. 
  • Types of ATMs: There are one-way ATMs (buy only) and two-way ATMs (buy and sell). 
  • Finding ATMs: Use online maps, mobile apps, or local store locations to find nearby crypto ATMs. 
  • Requirements: You need a digital wallet, cash or a debit card, and sometimes identification. 
  • Buying Process: Locate an ATM, start a transaction, choose cryptocurrency, scan wallet address, insert cash, confirm, and receive crypto. 
  • Selling Process: Locate a two-way ATM, start a transaction, choose cryptocurrency, enter amount, send crypto, wait for confirmation, and receive cash. 
  • Fees and Limits: Be aware of buying and selling fees, and transaction limits, which can vary. 
  • Security Tips: Use trusted ATMs, secure your digital wallet, and be mindful of your surroundings. 
  • Troubleshooting: Address common issues like transaction delays, incorrect amounts, and ATM service interruptions. 
  • Comparison: Cryptocurrency ATMs vs. online exchanges in terms of accessibility, anonymity, fees, speed, and variety. 
  • Pros and Cons: Convenience and speed are advantages, but high fees and limited availability are drawbacks. 

What is a Cryptocurrency ATM? 

Automated teller machines (ATMs) for cryptocurrencies are standalone computerized kiosks that let users purchase and sell virtual currencies in return for cash or debit cards. While some crypto ATMs also offer other cryptocurrencies, all of them sell Bitcoin. But not every ATM accepts cryptocurrency for sale; some are just good for purchases. 

Crypto ATMs process transactions and send cryptocurrency to users by connecting to their digital wallets rather than your bank account, as would be the case with a standard ATM. Tens of thousands of cryptocurrency ATMs may be found all over the world, most of them in the US. 

Types of Cryptocurrency ATMs 

There are two main types of cryptocurrency ATMs: 

  1. One-way ATMs: These only allow you to buy cryptocurrency. 
  2. Two-way ATMs: These allow you to both buy and sell cryptocurrency. 

How to Find a Cryptocurrency ATM 

  • Online Maps: Use websites like CoinATMRadar to locate nearby ATMs. 
  • Mobile Apps: Some apps show locations of crypto ATMs. 
  • Local Stores: Some stores may have cryptocurrency ATMs. 

What You Need Before Using a Crypto ATM 

  1. A Digital Wallet: This is where you will store your cryptocurrency. You can use a mobile app or a hardware wallet. 
  2. Cash or Debit Card: Most ATMs accept cash; some accept debit cards. 
  3. Identification: Some ATMs require you to verify your identity. 
Cryptocurrency ATM machine with person using it
Source: https://www.statista.com/chart/7566/number-of-bitcoin-atms-by-country/

Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Cryptocurrency ATM 

1. Setting Up Your Digital Wallet 

Before using a cryptocurrency ATM, you need a digital wallet. Here’s how to set it up: 

  1. Choose a Wallet: There are many types of wallets, including mobile apps (e.g.., Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet) and hardware wallets (e.g., Ledger, Trezor). 
  2. Download and Install: Install the wallet app on your device after downloading it from a reliable source. 
  3. Create an Account: Follow the instructions to create an account. Write your recovery key and keep it safe. 
  4. Receive Address: Find your wallet’s receive address. This is a long string of characters or a QR code. 

2. Buying Cryptocurrency 

  1. Locate an ATM: Use a map or app to find the nearest cryptocurrency ATM. 
  2. Start Transaction: Select the “Buy” option on the ATM screen. 
  3. Choose Cryptocurrency: Select the cryptocurrency you want to buy (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum). 
  4. Scan Wallet Address: Scan the QR code of your wallet’s receive address using the ATM’s scanner. 
  5. Insert Cash: Insert the amount of cash you want to exchange for cryptocurrency. 
  6. Confirm Transaction: Review the transaction details and confirm. 
  7. Receive Cryptocurrency: The cryptocurrency will be sent to your wallet. 

3. Selling Cryptocurrency 

  1. Locate an ATM: Use a map or app to find the nearest two-way cryptocurrency ATM. 
  2. Start Transaction: Select the “Sell” option on the ATM screen. 
  3. Choose Cryptocurrency: Select the cryptocurrency you want to sell. 
  4. Enter Amount: Enter the amount you want to sell. 
  5. Send Cryptocurrency: Send the cryptocurrency to the address provided by the ATM. 
  6. Wait for Confirmation: Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. 
  7. Receive Cash: Once confirmed, the ATM will dispense the cash. 

Fees and Limits 

Cryptocurrency ATMs charge fees for transactions. These fees can vary widely: 

  • Buying Fees: Usually range from 5% to 15%. 
  • Selling Fees: Usually range from 3% to 8%. 
  • Transaction Limits: Some ATMs have minimum and maximum transaction limits. 

Security Tips 

  • Use Trusted ATMs: Only use ATMs listed on reputable sites or apps. 
  • Be Aware of Surroundings: Use ATMs in safe, well-lit locations. 

Common Issues and Troubleshooting 

1. Transaction Delays 

  • Cause: Network congestion or confirmation delays. 
  • Solution: Wait for the transaction to confirm and check the transaction state on a blockchain explorer. 

2. Incorrect Amount Received 

  • Cause: Exchange rate fluctuations or fees. 
  • Solution: Double-check the amount before confirming the transaction. 

3. ATM Out of Service 

  • Cause: Maintenance or technical issues. 
  • Solution: Find another ATM using a map or app. 

Comparison of Cryptocurrency ATMs and Online Exchanges 


Cryptocurrency ATMs 

Online Exchanges 


Easy, available in many locations 

Requires internet access and account 


Higher (depending on ATM) 

Lower, requires account verification 


Higher (5% – 15%) 

Lower (0.1% – 2%) 


Instant for buying, quick for selling 

Depends on payment method 


Limited to popular cryptocurrencies 

Wide range of cryptocurrencies 


Pros and Cons of Using Cryptocurrency ATMs 


  • Convenience: Easy to find and use. 
  • Speed: Quick transactions. 
  • Accessibility: No need for a bank account. 


  • High Fees: Can be expensive. 
  • Limited Availability: Not as widely available as traditional ATMs. 


Using cryptocurrency ATMs is a simple and convenient way to buy and sell digital currencies. By following this guide, even beginners can navigate these machines with ease. Always remember to use trusted ATMs, secure your digital wallet, and be aware of fees and limits. Happy transacting! 

June 29, 2024 at 3:00 pm

Updated June 29, 2024 at 3:00 pm


Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and it’s important to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. (Please keep in mind that this post is solely for informative purposes and should not be construed as financial or investment advice.)


Cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency secured by cryptography, not controlled by governments or banks.

Cryptocurrency wallets are digital tools for storing and managing your crypto assets.

Best practices for crypto investment include research, diversification, investing what you can afford to lose, and avoiding hype-driven investments.

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