Our Games for a Living price prediction indicates that the price of GFAL will decline by $0.000429 over the following seven days, reaching $0.015459 by September 5, 2023. You presumably want to know where the price of Games for a Living (GFAL) may go in the future if you’re looking for market forecast, analysis, or price prediction for the game.
Games for a Living (GFAL) Price Predictions
Due to the recent positive trend GFAL has been experiencing, investors who are still alive have seen returns on their investments of over 1.96%. Following analysis of the technical indicators for GFAL, we predict a little correction may occur during the coming days.
Games for a Living (GFAL) Historical Price & Market Analysis
Games for a Living is currently ranked #717 among all cryptocurrencies with a market cap of $0.015887. 715,949,351 units of Games for a Living’s supply are now in circulation, with a $11,373,704 market cap. Â
The cost of Games for a Living has gone up by 2.51% over the last 24 hours. Over the past week, Games for a Living has gained 1.96% at a consistent rate of growth. Investors in Games for a Living are ecstatic about this growth and their return on investment this week.
The price of GFAL decreased by 5.63% over the past 30 days, devaluing it by $0.000948 from its prior value of $0.016835. Because of the present downturn, Games for a Living is currently experiencing a slump. The cost of Games for a Living has climbed by 16.83% during the last 90 days, going from $0.013599 to $0.002289.
Games for a Living (GFAL) Price Prediction / Market Forecast
The cryptocurrency market is well renowned for its tremendous volatility, making it challenging to anticipate future Games for a Living price points. A number of other factors also affect the price. As a result, you should conduct your own study and not rely on the forecasts on our website as financial advice. Be sure to get advice from your financial professional before making any investments.
Games for a Living (GFAL) Price Prediction 2023
We anticipate that Games for a Living will reach a maximum price of $0.028597 when the market begins to recover as we emerge from the crypto winter. The lowest anticipated price is $0.019065, with an average price of about $0.023831.
Games for a Living (GFAL) Price Prediction 2024
Our model predicts that Games for a Living will reach a maximum price of $0.044485 in 2024 while maintaining an average price of $0.039719 as the game keeps setting new records. The lowest price that GFAL can fall to in 2024, in the event of a bear market, is $0.034952.
Games for a Living (GFAL) Price Prediction 2025
As cryptocurrency grows popularity across numerous business sectors in 2025, we anticipate Games for a Living to have tremendous growth. As a result, the cost may exceed $0.060372 while averaging close to $0.055606. A price of $0.05084 might be the minimum for Games for a Living.
Games for a Living (GFAL) Price Prediction 2026
Games for a Living might reach a maximum price of $0.07626 in 2026 with an average price of $0.071494 if capital in the cryptocurrency market continues to expand. If a selloff takes place, $0.066727 is the lowest price we anticipate.
In conclusion, the recent bullish trend in Games for a Living (GFAL) has yielded investors impressive returns of over 1.96% in just a week’s time. As we delve into the technical indicators, it’s anticipated that a slight correction could unfold in the coming days. The current price of GFAL stands at $0.015887, securing its position at #717 among all cryptocurrencies, with a circulating supply of 715,949,351 and a market capitalization of $11,373,704.
Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and it’s important to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.
(Please keep in mind that this post is solely for informative purposes and should not be construed as financial or investment advice.)